Open To Work
About Me
I am a neurosurgeon with a passion for kids. I believe that the sky is the limit for surgery in Africa. I believe in hard work, innovation and nurturing humanity.
I am interested in neuroendoscopy and its growing role in both paediatric and adult neurosurgery. I love teaching. I believe that mentorship is the one way to grow in this honourable vocation
Certificate, Paediatric Neurosurgery (2018 - 2019) Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh
Grade: Paediatric Neurosurgeon Alderhey Children’s Hospital
Fellow, Neurosurgery, Neuro surgery (2006 - 2013) West African College of Surgeons
Master of Philosophy (MPhil), Human Anatomy (2008 - 2011) University of Ghana Medical School
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB}, Medicine (1996 - 2002) University of Ghana Medical School
Neurosurgery (2021 - 2022) Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons
Grade: Fellow Fellow Ghana College of Surgery FGCS
Work & Experience
Accra Medical Centre (2023 - Present ) Consultant Neurosurgeon
International Society of Paediatric Neurosurgery (2023 - Present ) Executive Board Member
Science Hisotry Institute (2022 - Present ) Member of the Board of Advisors
World Federation of Neurooncology Societies (2019 - Present ) Member of Editorial Board
Society of NeuroOncology SubSaharan Africa (2018 - Present ) Vice President
Eisenhower Fellowships (2016 - Present ) 2016 International Fellow
Department of Surgery, University of Ghana Medical School (2015 - Present ) Adjunct Lecturer
I teach rudiments of Surgery and Neuroanatomy to medical students, and engage in research interests in Neurosurgery.
Accra College of Medicine (2015 - Present ) Lecturer
I teach anatomy and general surgery to medical students in this brand new Ghanaian medical school.
The Bank Hospital (2021 - 2023 ) Consultant Neurosurgeon
University of Minnesota Medical School (2023 - 2023 ) Research Fellow
Research Fellow in Neuroanatomy Laboratory
University of Ghana Medical Center (2020 - 2023 ) Consultant Neurosurgeon
Lister Hospital (2014 - 2021 ) Locum Neurosurgeon
Princess MarieLouise Children's Hospital (2015 - 2020 ) Neurosurgeon