Bernard Shen

Principal Geotechnical Engineer

Sector: Civil Engineering

Member Since, May 10, 2024

Open To Work

  • I am open to relocating to
  • I am open to working remotely Yes
  • I am open to being contacted by employers and recruiters Yes

About Me

Bernard Shen is a Principal Geotechnical Engineer at PSM. He graduated from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in 2003 obtaining first class honours. After completing his studies, he joined PSM in November 2004 and subsequently completed his Master of Engineering Science degree at UNSW in June 2010.

Fields of special competence:

Site investigations including rail investigations

Slope engineering

Foundation engineering and retaining structures

Large scale bulk earthworks and industrial developments

Geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring

Tunnel construction and design

Performed the lead role for the Sydney Metro Northwest construction phase geotechnical services team (Dec 2013 – Dec 2015). Overall project control on geotechnical design validation (including mapping and monitoring), support determination, geotechnical representative in Permit to Tunnel meetings, preparation and implementation of monitoring plan.

Part of the tunnel design team and construction geotechnical team for the Westconnex M4 East project, Sydney.

Performed a tunnel geotechnical mapping validation role at NorthConnex, Sydney.

Completed tender and detailed design for the Sydney Metro City & Southwest project. Design Lead for the largest railway cavern in Australia at Victoria Cross Station.

Completed tender and detailed design on Westconnex Rozelle Interchange, Sydney. Design Lead for a portion of the driven tunnels under the Lilyfield Light Rail Depot.

Design Lead for Roma Street Station cavern on Cross River Rail, Brisbane. CPS Lead for all station caverns and boxes across the project.

Tender Design Lead for mined tunnels and caverns on Western Harbour Tunnel, Sydney.

Design Lead for mined tunnels on Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport SBT.

Design Lead for Hunter St Station cavern on Sydney Metro West – Eastern Tunnelling Package.


  • Master of Engineering Science (MEngSc), Geotechnical Engineering (2006 - 2010) UNSW

  • Bachelor of Engineering, Civil Engineering (2002 - 2004) UNSW

    Grade: Honours Class 1

  • Diploma, Civil and Structural Engineering (1996 - 1999) Singapore Polytechnic

Work & Experience

  • PSM (2014 - Present ) Principal Geotechnical Engineer

    Tunnel design and construction phase geotechnical services for Sydney Metro Northwest, Westconnex M4 East, NorthConnex and Rozelle Interchange. Lead Designer for Victoria Cross Station Cavern excavation and primary support on Sydney Metro City & Southwest. Lead Designer for Roma Street Station Cavern on Cross River Rail, Brisbane.

  • PSM (2010 - 2014 ) Associate Geotechnical Engineer

  • PSM (2007 - 2010 ) Senior Geotechnical Engineer

  • PSM (2004 - 2007 ) Geotechnical Engineer

  • Republic of Singapore Air Force (2000 - 2002 ) 3rd Sergeant - Field Defence Squadron