Do Hoang Sean
Phone: 840965981497
Sector: Animation
Member Since, October 9, 2023Open To Work
About Me
Hello! My name is Son Do. I am a freelance illustrator and concept artist, working with clients all over the world. I have been in the industry for several years, specializing in environment design and illustration.
I am also open for opportunities, so if you have an idea for your project and would like to work together, please reach out!
Diploma in Industrial Design (2017 - 2018) FZD School of design
FZD focuses heavily on the importance of fundamental skills and the proper ways to develop design abilities. They teach the core fundamental of art and made sure to train students on every aspect of the professional pipeline in gaming, TV, films or theme-park industry.
Work & Experience
GLASSEGG - A Virtuos Studio (2018 - 2019 ) Concept Artist
Glass Egg is an art outsourcing studio and a game developer/publisher with 18 years of experience in the game industry . I created various concepts and 2D assets ranging from environment to weapons, characters and key art for many projects.
Puy Du Fou Asia (2019 - Present ) llustrator / Concept artist
Puy du fou is Responsible for a great many historical epic themeparks around the world. Create concept designs and illustrations which contain mostly environments and props for many ancient themed themepark projects.