Rolando Antonio Zuñiga Guzman

Automobile Mechanic Diesel

Sector: Automotive

Member Since, July 18, 2023

Open To Work

  • I am open to relocating to
  • I am open to working remotely Yes
  • I am open to being contacted by employers and recruiters Yes

About Me

Versatile, capable, punctual mechanic, personal/ethical values, insightful, manual ability, resourcefulness, efficiency, thorough.Experience in planning and developing maintenance plans, coordinating, and participating in teams. With 20 years of experience in the mechanical industry and a dynamic and productive predisposition.

* Repair, maintenance, technical expertise.

* Supervision, control, and mechanical execution.

* Industrial operator and industrial security.

* Operate tools, drilling, flame-cutting, mounting of accessories, and welding parts.

* Knowledge of metric and imperial measurements.

* Management of logistics transport.

* Automotive mechanics, machinery, and accessories.

* Driving light vehicles, trucks, and forklifts.

* Experience manual arc welding with an electrode.

* Repair of diesel and gasoline engines.

* Experience in transportation supervision and inspection.

* Experience in industrial work and industrial safety.

* Experience in logistics transportation.

* Experience in auto mechanics and accessories.

* Organization and maintenance of workshop.

* Training of personnel.

* Operate the overhead crane and hoist


  • MECHANIC AUTOMOTRIZ DIESEL, Automotive and Car Mechanics (1997 - 1999) SENATI

    Carry out setting work (bench), measurements and welds. • Perform diagnosis and repair of Diesel engines. • Perform Diesel engine maintenance Make a diagnosis and repair of the transmission, suspension, brakes and steering systems (mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electronic). • Perform a diagnosis, repair and tests of the Diesel injection system (mechanical and electronic). • Perform diagnosis and maintenance of the electrical system of a vehicle. • Perform diagnostics and testing of a vehicle’s electrical system Perform Diagnosis and tests in the injection systems with electrical control of Diesel engines.


Work & Experience

  • JM.TERIOS.AUTOMOTRIZ (2015 - Present ) Automobile Mechanic Diesel

    * Preventive and corrective maintenance service* Repair of its various mechanical components* Customer service and advice.* Cleaning and maintenance of the work area.* Weld the support parts.* Assemble, check and adjust mechanical parts.* Ability to read plans, manuals, and accessories* Solutions that guarantee customer satisfaction.* Operate the motor hoist/bridge crane.* Identification and anticipation of possible problems.* Reading purchase orders* Driving and technical skills.* Vehicle inspection.* Spray paint application* Check the parts to be assembled and adjust accessories to specification.* Observation, visual control.* Perform tasks at the request of your supervisor.* Take metric or imperial measurements


    • Truck driver from 1 to 20 TN. And forklifts.• Supervise initial shipments and final delivery.• Plan the transport of the SHIPPING ROUTE.• Optimization of resources and achievement of objectives.• Operational management of processes and products.• Solve operational problems.• supervision and coordination between companies.• evaluation of the quality of the service level.• organize and supervise drivers.• analysis of the viability and sustainability of internal processes.• coordination with the team.• Customer Support.

  • Municipality of Miraflores (2005 - 2007 ) SUPERVISOR TECHNICIAN OF VEHICULAR FLEET

    • Diagnose and repair mechanical and operational failures.• Carry out daily technical reports.• Preparation of the maintenance program.• Manage with distributors and suppliers.• PLANNING avoiding the loss of TIME - MACHINE.• IMPLEMENT theoretical and practical training.• Manage and enforce the factory warranty.• Improvement actions and work with the management and areas.• I implemented the incident log in MS OFFICE.• Industrial maintenance and technical assistance of machines.• Review and update technical documentation.• Monitoring, analysis of processes and operations.• Analysis of instructions and manuals.* Take metric and imperial measurements.• Maintenance of the work environment.• Proactive maintenance, corrective programming, and process automation.• Support to the MECHANICAL team.• Supervision of problem-solving.• Compliance: security standards and procedures.• Supervision and control of the optimal operation of machines installations.• Planning and execution of updates.* Reading purchase orders

  • BSH ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES PERU (2004 - 2005 ) Assembly

    • Assembly line operator.• Communication of quality problems.• Organization and transfer of goods from the warehouse.• Provide the raw material in the production line.• Respect for the production plan and objectives.• Reading of assembly drawings and exploded views.• Control and compliance with the reference system of risks prevention.• General basic maintenance of productive units.• Preparation and conditioning for work.• Plan the assembly of machinery and the organization of equipment.• work tools, mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, etc.)• Welding putties.• Spray paint application• Maintenance of the work environment