Dr. Fika Putri Aesthetika
Aesthetic Medicine Doctor
Sector: Consumer Services
Member Since, September 25, 2023Open To Work
About Me
Dr. Fika Putri Aesthetika had been invented her passion in medical knowledge as the aesthetic practitioner & also keep on sharpening her management skills at the structural function in the healthcare organization. Nowadays, I am self employed in Skinmates Klinik Aesthetika as the medical doctor. There, I performed both function as the practition & the bussiness owner. I was helped by nurse when having medical interaction with the patients. While I had to find the way to introduce my brand into the new customers (patient). I have been starting this project since the last quarter of 2018, and at the moment I already had several active loyal customers, & plan to get more.
I am a female doctor that has more than 10 years experiences that enjoy performed as both structural and physician functions. My passions on the healthcare industry as physician are preventive medicine, wellness, medical artificial intelligent, beauty, skincare and the whole cycle of women’s health. While in the healthcare organisation I prefered to build a workflow structure, creating the operational procedures, and maintaining the quality of health services. Moreover, I also love to adding value on someone through teaching, training, sharing skills and knowledge
I graduated from University of Indonesia International Class Program for my Medical degree (2010) & Bachelor degree (S.Ked) in 2008. I also had bachelor degree form Melboune University in 2007. Then, I graduated from School of Public Health in University of Indonesia in 2011 as Magister of Hospital Administration (MHA). I am Married with 4 childrens
Master's Degree, Hospital Administration / Management (2009 - 2011) Education School oSchool of Public Health University of Indonesia Postgraduate Programme
Activities and societies: Title of Scientific Letter (Thesis) Patient Satisfaction in The Process of Delivering Healthservices In Paviliun Executive Sukaman Rumah Sakit Jantung Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita 2011
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), General Medicine (2003 - 2010) Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia International Class Programme
Bachelor's Degree, Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science/Research and Allied Professions (2007 - 2007) University of Melbourne
Title of Scientific Letter (Thesis) Brain Angiogenesis Following Ischemic Stroke
Work & Experience
Arya Noble (2023 - Present ) Head Medical Service Development
BitnaSkin Lab (2017 - 2019 ) Business Operator
PT Zulu Alpha Papa (2014 - 2017 ) Head Medical and Training
Klinik Amanah Medika Pura (2014 - 2014 ) General Manager
HASCI ASIA (2013 - 2013 ) General Practitioner
Rumah Sakit Admira (2011 - 2013 ) General Practitioner
Body Contours Indonesia (2011 - 2011 ) Studio Doctor