Camilla Sophi Ramadhanti
Medical Doctor
Sector: Hospital & Health Care
Member Since, September 18, 2023Open To Work
About Me
A Monash University and University of Indonesia medical graduate with passion in healthcare. Experienced in emergency and inpatient/outpatient setting, medical advice, evacuation support, and emergency response for a diverse clientele. Skilled in Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Excel, and English.
Doctor of Medicine - MD (2014 - 2021) University of Indonesia
Grade: GPA 3.54 3 years in preclinical studies with research in Psychiatry among medical students, under the guidance of Dr. Fransiska Kaligis, Sp.KJ(K) Activities and organizations include: Student Association of Intl Class, Center of Medical Student Association (CIMSA), and Media Aesculapius (Alumni Association and Editor)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Hons) (2017 - 2018) Monash University
Work & Experience
Alodokter (2023 - Present ) Medical Development
RSAL Mintohardjo (2022 - Present ) Medical Doctor
Experienced in medical advice, evacuation support, and emergency response for a diverse clientele. Assesing patients who enter the emergency department or outpatient clinic immediately or overseeing emergency recovery. Conducting follow up visits to monitor the patient\'s condition. Requesting appropriate medical tests and based on them, following with an effective patient care plans. Referring patients to appropriate specialists. Ensuring patients are stable before transferring them to the proper department for further evaluation. Providing instructions for discharge, providing details to the insurance company and any relevant paperwork.
University of Indonesia (2022 - 2022 ) Assistant of Head of Department - Department of Community Medicine
-Worked under dr. Retno Asti Wardhani Sp.KK-KLP in Ikatan Kedokteran Komunitas Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia - Conduct community based projects (Public Health) under Ikatan Kedokteran Komunitas - Collaborating within a team environment and cross functional for community based projects - Collected and processed administration data for Professor Promotion - Did administration of Intellectual Property Rights (HKI) of research conducted under the department - Collected data through medical records of patients - Wrote PowerPoint presentations for Ikatan Kedokteran Komunitas projects and research & webinars
Klinik Pertamedika IHC Sinabung (2021 - 2021 ) Junior Doctor
Assesing patients in the outpatient clinic immediately or overseeing emergency recovery. Conducting follow up visits to monitor the patient\'s condition. Requesting appropriate medical tests and based on them, following with a treatment plan. Developing effective patient care plans. Referring patients to appropriate specialists. Ensuring patients are stable before transferring them to the proper department for further evaluation. Providing instructions for discharge, providing details to the insurance company and any relevant paperwork.
RSCM Kirana (2019 - 2021 ) Junior Doctor
Conducted my clinical clerkship rotations as a junior doctor or co-assistant in Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital and several public health centers around Jakarta-Tangerang area.
St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne (2019 - 2020 ) Clinical Placement
Alfred Research Alliance (2018 - 2018 ) Undergraduate Research Assistant
- Working in a project of diabetes related complication (Diabetic Nephropathy) alongside Supervisor Dr Jay C Jha and Dr Karin Vandeleit-Dahm.